Амблеми во Логистичката база на АРМ 2005-2019 - Emblems of the Logistics Support Brigade 2005-2018




Клучни зборови:

badge, emblem, logistics


The article gives a description and a visual representation of the emblems of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia (ARM) Logistics Support Brigade and its units, from 2005 when the first emblem was designed, until 2018 when the last change of its insignia was made. From the author’s collection, in total, 33 emblems for combat uniforms are displayed, as well as the badge of the ARM Traffic Service from 2003. Particularly interesting for our heraldry are the emblem of the Logistics Support Command and the emblems of the 1st Logistics Battalion and the HQ units, designed in 2006, when elements of municipal coats of arms were for the first time inserted in military insignia of the Macedonian Army, according to the territorial location of the units.




Како да се цитира

Trajkov, T. (2022). Амблеми во Логистичката база на АРМ 2005-2019 - Emblems of the Logistics Support Brigade 2005-2018. Македонски хералд, (18), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.47763/mher2218047t



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