
Macedonian Herald #5


Macedonian Heraldry Society
Invitation to submit articles for the next issue of the Macedonian Herald, #5.

On the ocassion of the International Congress of Vexillology, 1-5 August 2011 when the MHS should be admitted into full membership, the next issue of the Macedonian Herald is planned for. I invite anyone interested to submit articles in the field of heraldry, Vexillology, genealogy , phaleristics, semiotics and amblematics.

Please indicate your interest until February 28, and the texts should be ready by April 15. The texts should be submitted in Macedonian and English (the texts of the English language will be edited, so you need a basic translation).

Due to the occassion for publishing of this issue, the priority is for the vexillology articles.

For the articles there is no remuneration.

Please indicate your interest, send articles and accompanying photos send them to