
The municipality of Gjorche Petrov is a Skopje city municipality and, according to the Macedonian territorial heraldic system, has... 


Genealogy 2018, 2(4), 52; doi:10.3390/genealogy2040052 Article The Coats of Arms and Other Forms of State Emblem Proposed for the Republic... 


The municipality of Karposh is a Skopje city municipality and, according to the Macedonian territorial heraldic system, has a crown of Skopje... 


The Constitution of 1991 does not define the coat of arms of the Republic of Macedonia, but foresaw the adoption of a law on the coat of... 


The municipality of Centar is a Skopje city municipality and, according to the Macedonian territorial heraldic system, has a crown of Skopje... 


Orders may, as an award, have more degrees, indicated by the method of its wearing. Thus, the Imperial and Imperial Order of Saint Stanislav... 


50 years ago, on October 11, 1968, in the magazine “Zhurnal”, a text was published in which the existence of the Land coats...