
President of the Croatian heraldic and vexilollogic societzy from Zagreb, Major MA Zeljko Heimer was admitted as an honorary member to the... 


At the invitation of the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillologic Society from Zagreb, the Herald of the Macedonian Heraldry Society held lecture... 


President of the Republic of Macedonia, Prof. dr. Gjorge Ivanov today decorated the Macedonian basketball players who won fourth place at... 


President of the Republic of Macedonia awarded the Order “September 8” to the distinguished Canadian businessman of Macedonian... 


President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Ivanov today posthumouslyaworded Jordan Mijalkov with the Order ”8 of Septeber”,... 


In the period immediately following the publishing of the fourth issue of Macedonian Herald, MHS continued with its activities for promotion... 


On the occasion of 50th anniversary of the festival Struga Poetry Evenings, President of the Republic of Macedonia, in Villa Biljana in...