Kiril Chapov Historian from Radovish Registered under number 2/2022 on 29.4.2022 Blazon Shield Per pale Gules and Argent, dexter a dexter...
Emir O. Filipovic Professor from Kljuch Registered under number 1/2022 on 27.4.2022 Blazon Shield Gules, two keys in saltire wards upwards...
Macedonian Herald 17 • Real Heraldry in Macedonia until 1991 • Flag of „All The Mijaks“ and the Mijaks Family Flags • Dimkovci-Popovci...
Siloam Christian Church Strumica Registered under number 6/2021 on 13.12.2021 Blazon Shield Azure, two arms disposed in chevron reversed,...
The coat of arms of the Archbishop of Ohrid Joasaph II (1719-1745), as a knight of the Holy Military Constantine Order of St. George. The...